#FlashbackFriday: How to Win the ‘Micro-Moment’

Companies that reach consumers when they are making decisions and forming...

Caramel & Broken Teeth: Why Understanding Your Customer Journey is Crucial

Recently, I saw one of my favorite childhood treats; a huge chunk of hard...

Don’t Forget to Cook Your Words: How to Linguistically Optimize Your Communications

The human brain, as you know, is an amazing machine that computes quickly and...

Personalization in the Digital World, It Exists!

Dear Valued Customer,

Big Data & Analytics for Insurance, Beyond Device Telemetry

Like many consumers this year, I have slowly started taking the plunge into the

Why You Should Treat Your Surveys like a Grocery List

Remember your mother’s advice not to go grocery shopping when you’re hungry,...

Takeaways from PLRB 2016

Last week’s PLRB Claims Conference was an opportunity to roll up my sleeves and...

Claim Changers

Let me begin with two thoughts:

Give Your Brand the RIGHT Voice

Your brand has a Voice. This voice has already been established through the...

Webinar Re-Cap: Customer Experience Beyond Surveys

While many companies think they are leading the charge with service quality and...

Customer Journey Maps: A Lot More Than Buzz Words

In today’s environment, features and price can quickly be matched by...