Overheard at Formation '22

We're back from Duck Creek's Formation 2022 and we had an amazing time learning...

Digital Spring Cleaning: Keep Your Tech Nicely Stacked

Spring is finally in the air! As the snow slowly starts to melt away, and...

Employee Engagement – Moving from Buzzword to Results

The corporate world has been a bit of a minefield in the last several years....

The Best Way to Get Bad News – Communicate Effectively

It is the time of season where Cupid strikes his bow. There is no better...

Build, Buy, or Partner? How to decide what’s best for your company.

An age-old question, build or buy? The concept has been around for years and...

10 Key Insurance Trends and Predictions for 2022

The pandemic turned everything upside down in 2020, and the dust hasn’t settled...

Emailing With Empathy

We’ve all been the one on the other end of the screen, scrolling from email to...

Insurance Automation With Empathy & Intelligence

Create a better customer experience for policyholders by utilizing the...

Brand Personality: The Human Approach to Marketing

Building up a successful brand, and in turn, a successful marketing strategy...

Voice Assistance in Insurance

Where we were: 

It may seem crazy but just 5 years ago only 16 million people...

Natural Disasters: How to Keep Up When You Are Flooded with Claims

It goes without saying that the world has felt the severe impacts of COVID-19 ....